会社設立の基本的な流れ EnglishBasic Flow of Company Incorporation
Basic flow for establishing a incorporation: Kabushiki Kaisha (joint stock company)
【1】基本的事項の決定 Determination of business profile
Details are determined such as trade name, address, business contents, amount of capital, and officers.
【2】定款作成及び認証 Preparation and certification of articles of incorporation
The articles of incorporation are prepared based on the business profile determined above. We will draw up the document, ask you to check the contents, and file the completed document at the public notary’s office for certification. This document must be affixed with a registered seal and filed with the company seal impression certificate attached. This is not a problem for foreign nationals already residing in Japan who have completed alien registration and seal registration, as a company seal impression certificate can be obtained in the same manner as a Japanese national.
When foreign nationals residing abroad are listed as equity participant or director, however, a seal or signature certified by authorities in the home country is required in place of the affixed registered seal, and a certificate of signature or certificate issued by authorities in the home country in place of the company seal impression certificate.
【3】資本金の払込みを行う Remittance of capital
Capital is remitted to an account under the name of the promoter (equity participant) or the representative director at the time of establishment. The account must be at a financial institution established with authorization from the Japanese Financial Services Agency. It may be at a bank in the home country with a branch office in Japan.
【4】その他の書類等の作成 Preparation of other documents
Other documentation is prepared such as letter of acceptance from appointed directors, written proof of remittance of capital, and written determination of equity participants.
【5】設立登記申請 Application of registration of establishment
When all documentation is complete, our partner judicial scrivener will apply for registration of establishment at the Legal Affairs Bureau at the address of the head office location.
2023/02/08 Alegria Administrative scrivener office